November 26, 2018

Visiting Artist Lecture – Sanya Kantarovsky

Artist Sanya Kantarovsky will present a lecture in the Visiting Artist series on Wednesday, November 28th beginning at 6:40 p.m.

Sanya Kantarovsky is known for his work across a variety of mediums, as well as his texts and curatorial projects. His multifaceted approach often results in artworks that seem forced to reckon with their own embarrassment. The dark humor consistent in Kantarovsky’s work pits the sumptuous against the abject and thrusts private space – be it physical or psychological – into public view. Kantarovsky was born in Moscow, Russia in 1982 and currently lives and works in New York (excerpted from Luhring Augustine gallery).

Where: Rutgers - Mason Gross School of the Arts, Civic Square Building, Room 110. 33 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick, NJ.

The Visiting Artist Lecture Series is organized by the Rutgers MFA program and includes weekly lectures, studio visits and critiques by luminaries working across a wide spectrum of mediums.

Free and open to the public.

Wheelchair Accessible; ASL/CART available on request. Contact Cassandra at or 848-932-5399 one week prior to event.
Image description: a pale figure in profile painted by the artist Sanya Kantarovsky.