November 12, 2018

MFA First Year Exhibition – Just Honey

It's that time!

3 months into graduate school, our 16 MFA First Years will be taking over the Mason Gross Galleries for their First Year Exhibition.

Opening Reception: Thursday, November 15, 6-9pm

with performances by Erik Thurmond, Leonid Hyrtsak, and Keren Shavit

Featuring: Jonathan Adams, Raul Ayala, Michael Caudo, Chloe Crawford, Atisha Fordyce, Christian Hincapie, Leonid Hrytsak, Ruby Jackson, Kori Koolman, Cherilyn Kurtz, Jonathan Santoro, Francesca Strada , Alexander Turgeon , Erik Thurmond, Cesar Valdes, Ryan Woodring 

Exhibition on View: Friday, November 16 - Friday, December 7

The galleries are wheelchair accessible / free and open to the Public.